A lot of guys have the same names, I did not assume that you are related to Jessica Simpson or Bart Simpson for that matter. Maybe I did not see you at NSFnet because I was working with DDN which was established a full two years before NSFnet. So what? Does the fact that I worked on the precursor to the Internet and NSFnet make me more credible than you? I was not aware that in order to be credible on NANOG, we had to meet you at some point. They did not tell me that at the Pentagon or when I got my engineering degrees. I also have great respect for the Tor engineers, it was great work. I just don't have respect for the idiots that sometimes use Tor. I also have great respect for the guys who wrote sendmail and don't blame them every time I get spam. What I don't have any respect for is the "I was here first (you weren't)", name dropping (I know the Tor guys), know it all (that does not know that a lot of what people do does not show up in google). For those of you who care about credentials. I have been working on the Internet and its predecessors since 1985. Of course that has absolutely nothing to do with the credibility of what I say because time does not always equal knowledge. As soon as you assume you are smarter than everyone else in the room you can be assured that you are not. Steven Naslund -----Original Message----- From: William Allen Simpson [mailto:william.allen.simpson@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 9:20 PM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: [tor-talk] William was raided for running a Tor exit node. Please help if you can. On 11/30/12 5:15 PM, Naslund, Steve wrote:
Well, in that case.... I am really worried that the cops might charge
me with a crime. They took my computers and are looking at them. I did not do anything wrong but just in case they decide to charge me with a crime, please send me some money.
As well you could be, because you appear to have the same name as a registered sex offender: http://www.sexoffenderin.com/reg110698/steven_w_naslundmugshot.htm On 11/29/12 6:39 PM, Naslund, Steve wrote: # As a long time service provider ... # # my many years of experience in engineering ARPANET, MILNET, and the # Internet I would have to guess that most Tor servers are used for no # good much more than they are protecting anyone's privacy. I'm surprised that medline.com is offering network access as an ISP? Admittedly, you began posting to NANOG in 2002 as: Network Engineering Manager Hosting.com - Chicago While I was involved in engineering NSFnet and the Internet and was an "original" member of NANOG, but I don't remember you. Of course, I'm notoriously bad with names. OTOH, I have met, remember, and greatly respect the Tor engineers.