So the issue here is even a small 120vac current becomes a very fatal event at 7.2 or 11 or 14.4kV. It’s a safety issue for linepersons doing emergency restoration work. Ms. Lady Benjamin PD Cannon of Glencoe, ASCE 6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC CEO lb@6by7.net "The only fully end-to-end encrypted global telecommunications company in the world.” FCC License KJ6FJJ Sent from my iPhone via RFC1149.
On Aug 25, 2021, at 7:24 AM, Ethan O'Toole <telmnstr@757.org> wrote:
How would this not load the generator or inverter into oblivion? Not sure I understand your question. Say again, please.
If you hook 100KW of neighbors up to your 5KW/20% THD garden generator it would probably trip the breaker, or stall.
I suppose it could be an issue if it was a single house on a branch where the break being serviced was just that branch (rural customers.)
Was just curious why it wouldn't overload the generator trying to power all the neighbors houses if connected to the grid.
- Ethan