I just heard that NPR is about to do a piece on this - it should air in a few minutes... Marshall On Friday, November 29, 2002, at 03:32 PM, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Thus spake "Robert A. Hayden" <rhayden@geek.net>
I'm still failing to see why this required a $3M forklift of new equipment to correct the problem. Was this just Cisco sales pouncing on someone's misfortune as a way to push new stuff?
Environments with a STP diameter of 10+ are unlikely to have the necessary equipment on-hand to make a L3 campus network that adheres to current best practices. Nevertheless, it is TAC policy to get the customer the equipment that is needed to solve the problem, and Sales handles any monetary issues later after the network is stable.
One might also consider if there was a campus upgrade plan already in the works and this event merely altered the timeline for implementation.