8 Aug
8 Aug
1:46 a.m.
The Juniper PTX1000 is worth a look. http://www.juniper.net/us/en/products-services/routing/ptx-series/ptx1000/ Regards, Tim Raphael
On 7 Aug 2015, at 10:10 am, Ben Cornish <benc@overthewire.com.au> wrote:
Hey All
We are looking for suggestions for a device to act as a super Core Device / MPLS P router only. There seems to be plenty of Chassis based solutions out there that also cater for a lot more. We ideally would like a 1RU or 2RU device - Handling MPLS / IGP only
* Ideally 16 to 48 ports of 10Gig - SFP
* Non-blocking line rate capable on all ports.
* MPLS / OSPF /BFD / ISIS / RSVP-TE capably.
* Deep buffers on the ports would also be nice
* With a possible option of 40Gig uplinks..