If a consensus can be reached here, we have seen a rise in this, that does raise concerns of a RIAA/MPAA type of mindset, which is detrimental vigilante Definition vigi·lante (vij′ə lan′tē, -län′-) noun 1. a member of a vigilance committee 2. any individual who acts outside of legal authority, often violently, to punish or avenge a crime, right a perceived wrong, etc. vigi·lan·tism (vij′ə lan′tiz′əm, -län′-; vij′ə lən tiz′əm) noun the lawless, violent methods, spirit, etc. of vigilantes vigilantism Related Forms vig′i·lan′·tist adjective vigilantism Usage Examples Noun used with modifier * 'Internet: But this has come under fire from many who see it as an example of 'Internet vigilantism ' that could destabilize Internet trading. Adjective modifier * self-appointed: We must, moreover, take action which is firm enough to pre-empt action by self-appointed vigilantes. ========================================================================= ----- Original Message ---- From: Gadi Evron <ge@linuxbox.org> To: Paul Ferguson <fergdawgster@gmail.com> Cc: nanog@nanog.org; nanog-post@rsuc.gweep.net Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 6:02:21 PM Subject: Re: Renesys Blog Article [Was: Re: the Intercage mess] On Wed, 24 Sep 2008, Paul Ferguson wrote:
Just a side-note: Rensys has an interesting blog article up today on this Atrivo/Intercage "mess":
I have but one comment. There is a difference between Vigilantism as it is perceived today and Vigilantism as it is in the dictionary. It means neighborhood watch. When the Police is not around, that is something you need. "It's for the children". All in all, very nice blog post. While I feel I can not yet fully comment on the whole Atrivo / Intercage depeering movement, there is an underlying strategy to consider. I will comment at a later date. Gadi.