On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, Bill Woodcock wrote:
> However, its important that the backbone is operating "properly" ie not > saturated which I think should be the case for all network operators, theres a > requirement tho if the customer has a relatively low bandwidth tail to the > network which is shared for different applications, its probably a good idea to > make sure the voip packets have higher priority than non-realtime data... (this > last comment is a suggestion, I've not actually tested this in a real > environment, low b/w lab tests tend to exclude other traffic flows)
We've got plenty of the INOC-DBA phones on the ends of congested satellite tail-circuits, and don't really have significant trouble. As has been
of course if your using satellite your already accepting the delay from propogation and delay from buffering from this kind of jitter which is fine, but may not be acceptable for say a commercial voip service in a local area which ought to be comparable to pstn quality.. Steve
pointed out, the VoIP traffic may be stomping all over TCP traffic on the same links, but it _sounds_ good. :-)