--- Max's Lists <lists@smetannikov.net> wrote: it has come to my
attention that WorldCom doesn't seem to have a DWDM network to speak of, and reportedly has spotty DWDM coverage only in metro areas, a fact well hidden from company's marketing literature that seems to avoid talking about speeds above oc-3.
Your impression is pretty much correct. WorldCom bought/obtained a large quantity of fiber before DWDM capability was widely available, and has not spent very much money on CapEX in the past couple of years. Their current focus seems to be trying to maximize the usage of their existing infrastructure.
Two questions -- can anyone verify/offer more insights/point to better resources on WorldCom's DWDM startegy?
And -- as the rumor mill seems to suggest -- is it indeed true that despite obvious network economics SONET-based OC-12 and OC-48 circuits are indeed enjoying lower street prices than DWDM oc-12/48 circuits? Any thoughts as to why this info is indeed correct?
This is also true, because a large number of providers are in a similar place to WorldCom - i.e. overprovisioned SONET gear, and don't want to upgrade to a DWDM-based system until their SONET cicuits absolutely need it. It shouldn't be all that surprising - where you'll really see a lot of DWDM is those providers who had loaded up on dark fiber, and are now starting to light them. -David Barak fully RFC 1925 compliant __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. http://mailplus.yahoo.com