In message <m2sk9rsobb.wl%randy@psg.com>, Randy Bush writes:
the general intent of a class B allocation is that it is large enough for nearly everybody, with nearly everybody including all but the largest of organisations. That would, indeed, work if we weren't short of class B networks to assign. Would you clarify? Seriously?
we used to think we were not short of class B networks
Really? Do you have a citation? It should have been clear to anyone that thought about it that IPv4 address where not big enough to support every man and his dog having a network. I know when I was getting my first class B address block in '88 that it was obviously not sustainable but I'll get one while I can because that and class C's were all that were available and it could be justified under the rules as they stood then. CIDR when it came along didn't change my opinion, though it did delay the inevitable as did PNAT. I don't see the same thing with /48 as the basic allocation provided RIR's don't do greenfield all the time but instead re-allocate blocks when they are not maintained. Always doing greenfield allocations will exhaust any allocation scheme in time. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org