I have lost my copy of the contact list for the NOCs. Can someone supply the contact ingo for he.net?
This is probably as good a time as any to mention that we have just inaugurated our ISPWL (dns-based ISP whitelist), the "HISP". It's relevant to this because members provide both standard business and urgent contact information, as well as "member to member only" contact information, for sharing with other members [note, we do *not* get involved in issues, we simply make the contact information available to other HISP members.] So in this case, if he.net is a HISP member, Roy could have gone to the HISP members contact page and looked up the information, including urgent contact information. Obviously the primary thrust of the HISP is to allow sites to query a DNS whitelist of ISPs who they can know to be whitehat, and who live up to a certain level of abuse-handling and other criteria (defined in the free license). There is no charge whatsoever for being listed on the HISP, or for querying it. If you're interested in reviewing the criteria for acceptance onto the HISP (contained in a HISP license which, again, is free), contact me off-list. Anne amitchell@habeas.com