At 12:40 AM 10/24/2006, David Schwartz wrote:
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 18:57 +0100, Roland Perry wrote:
I've been in and out of several colos that require you to leave your ID (passport/DL, and business card) up at the front desk throughout your visit. This could be for hours, or even for the whole day. During that time I imagine my ID could have been photocopied, transcribed, photographed, etc, without me ever knowing.
-Jim P.
Several states make it illegal to possess another person's driver's license. Many make it illegal to lend your driver's license to someone else or to trade it for something. As for passports, violating 18 USC 1544 for profit is a terrorism offense.
Even the guys who rent paddleboats at the lake have learned that it is usually illegal to possess another person's identification.
Maybe I've just been lucky, but I've been to some of the most secure facilities in the world, and I've never been asked to allow someone else to retain my passport or driver's license.
Possession includes receipt, according to the DOJ. 18 USC 1028 makes it a Federal crime to transfer someone else's identification with intent to violate a state felony statute.
This is a minefield. Have companies really run this past their legal departments?
From what I've seen, there's a complete lack of awareness of the risks associated with retention of identification or information. I even had a long argument with the local US Post Office, who wanted to record numbers from two forms of ID in order for me to retain my PO Box. Their claim was that postal inspection service requires it. I objected due to my local postoffice storing this information on index cards which all employees of the post office can access. While I understand the postal inspection service's interest in being able to track down box holders, I asked the postmaster if he'd sign a document accepting personal responsibility if the information was released or used by any of his employees. I think it's time to show up with such a statemant of acceptance of liability whenever asked for such information. I have to wonder if company lawyers would then give it some thought.