Personally I have ran into this dilema a few times. The code just like network equipment needs dual stacks which is double the amount of code and since IPv4 and IPv6 do not share a native topology just supporting both kinds of addresses isnt sufficient. I agree that some of it comes down to knowledge; most programmers learn from experience and lets face it unless you go looking your unlikely to run into IPv6 even as of yet. I believe as the ISP implements IPv6 and companies get more demand on the customer facing side of things it will pick up quickly. In our datacenters all our software is built with IPv6 addressing supported but we have yet to build the logic stack as we are waiting for the demand. It makes no sense to build all the support just because when there are other important things to do. Just my thoughts. On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Joseph Holsten <joseph@josephholsten.com> wrote:
On 2012-11-27, at 21:07, Jeroen Massar wrote:
As such, if an application does not do proper IPv6 today the people in charge of the thing simply did not care...
Or do care.
From http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HadoopIPv6:
Apache Hadoop does not currently support IPv6 networks, it uses IPv4 addresses for communicating between nodes. This is because Hadoop is designed to work in private datacenters, which usually have private IP addresses in the 10.x.x.x address space.
• Using IPv4 addresses everywhere provides a single form of TCP addressing for all our tests. Different network configurations (DNS, reverse DNS, DNS caching) still provide lots of problems and performance issues, but there is no need to worry about which IP protocol version is used. • Shorter addresses make for shorter packets, which can have a benefit on busy networks.
This does not mean that the Hadoop team thinks that IPv4 is the best ever network protocol and that there is no reason to upgrade ever, only that it works well in datacenters.
(Yes, I am technically trolling. But mostly because I don't have the energy to fight for IPv6 any more. Maybe you do?) -- http://josephholsten.com
-- -------------------- Bryan Tong Nullivex LLC | eSited LLC (507) 298-1624