Richard's employer is exactly the kind of organization that has not been able to effectively multi-home their discrete branch-offices on the IPv4 Internet, because RIR allocation policy set the bar for receiving IPv4 addresses for those small locations just high enough to steer us away from that "feature" or "problem," depending on how you look at it. If every Richard Barnes announces a few dozen /48s into the global BGP table, it will not be long before the 300k+ IPv4 BGP table looks neat and organized, and the CIDR Report will come out each week with a message begging e.g. Starbucks to aggregate their coffee shop wireless hot-spots, instead of shaming Bell South for having a large number of de-aggregates for their substantial ISP business. Most people do not know about the "multi-homing feature" designed into IPv6. Most people who do, seem to agree that it may not see enough practical use to have meaningful impact on routing table growth, which will no longer be kept in check by a limited pool of IP addresses and policies that make it a little difficult for a very small network to become multi-homed. This may be another looming IPv6 headache without a sufficient solution to set good practices now, before deployment sky-rockets. -- Jeff S Wheeler <jsw@inconcepts.biz> Sr Network Operator / Innovative Network Concepts