On december 14 Elise gerich wrote to the above recipients: Some of the information in the RADB is "historical." It was carried over from the PRDB for purposes of the transition from the NSFNET Backbone Service to the current US Internet Architecture. The RA team has been working with CA*net and ANS to reduce duplicate route objects which are artifacts of the transition. Several months ago, approximately 3000 routes were deleted from the RADB because CA*net worked with us to identify which routes were now being maintained in the CA*net DataBase. Approximately, 1000 route objects have been deleted as a result of a request from ANS more recently. Approximately 20% of the route objects that existed at the time of the transition have been removed. COOK: So when you say 20% of the routes have been removed, how does one judge what remains that is defunct and still remains to be removed???? Of the 80% does anyone have a clue as to whether 95% of the 80% are "good" or whether the real total of good routes might be on 50% of the 80%?? Now Elise has questioned the propriety of using NANOG for questions about the routing arbiter. Fine. But as far as I can tell no one is running a routing arbiter mail list. Without such a list the only choice is to take things to one on one private mail with bill manning and/or elise. Perhaps Merit would be willing to establish such a list? If Merit declines, would someone else do it? ********************************************************************* Gordon Cook, Editor & Publisher Subscriptions: Individ-ascii $85 The COOK Report on Internet Individ. hard copy $150 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA Small Corp & Gov't $200 (609) 882-2572 Corporate $350 Internet: cook@cookreport.com Corporate Site Lic. $650 http://pobox.com/cook/ for new COOK Report Glossary of Internet terms *********************************************************************