On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 04:41:46PM -0600, mike@rockynet.com said:
John Palmer wrote:
I know this is off the current subject., but some of you are sending these e-mail's to the list that appear as attachments and not text.
Agreed, that is annoying.
It appears to be the result of PGP signed messages, from every instance I can see:
[snip] It is. I know mutt, at least, switched to the PGP/MIME attachment style of signatures from the old ASCII-armored messages a few versions back. I personally liked the old style better, but the new one appears to be compliant to the current MIME standards. I'm willing to accept a bit of annoyance in order to promote standards compliance. If only Microsoft was thus motivated. -- -= Scott Francis || darkuncle (at) darkuncle (dot) net =- GPG key CB33CCA7 has been revoked; I am now 5537F527 illum oportet crescere me autem minui