Unless said tf2 server happens to be hosted within UU's own network, I'd imagine the blame would go to whichever party in the transit path refused to upgrade their commitments. On 7/11/2014 午前 10:21, Jim Popovitch wrote:
On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 9:12 PM, Miles Fidelman <mfidelman@meetinghouse.net> wrote:
Randy Bush wrote:
And, of course, one might ask why Netflix isn't ... making use of a caching network like Akamai, as many other large traffic sources do on a routine basis. they do. netflix rolls their own cache servers, installable in any network
At the ISPs expense, including connectivity to a peering point. Most content providers pay Akamai, Netflix wants ISPs to pay them. Hmmm....
Now I write a check every month to both Verizon and Netflix - and clearly it would be nice if some of that went to provisioning better service between the two. But I can as easily point to Netflix, as to Verizon, when it comes to which dollar stream should be going to bigger (or more efficient) pipes. I was going to sit on the sidelines.... but...
Take Netflix out of the equation and google things like "tf2 verizon fios" or any other game. Who do you point the finger at then?
-Jim P.