nsuan@nonexiste.net (Nicholas Suan) writes:
In the previous paragraph Vixie said:
while i'm on the subject, i also remain convinced that using anycast to do distributed load balancing for applications like WWW, on the assumption that the path you heard a dns query on is instructive as to what content would be best to answer with, is silly, and will more often do harm or do nothing than do good. (and i've told akamai and speedera this many times.) ("but it makes for great marketing slideware.")
In other words this is a bad idea:
[FT@fenrir FT]$ dig a248.e.akamai.net @
;; ANSWER SECTION: a248.e.akamai.net. 20 IN A a248.e.akamai.net. 20 IN A
FT@inuyasha:~$ dig a248.e.akamai.net @
;; ANSWER SECTION: a248.e.akamai.net. 20 IN A a248.e.akamai.net. 20 IN A
While I'm not a mind reader, It seems he's saying that, since Ultradns doesn't use anycast to do this, it is an example of 'good anycast.'
yes. i thought that was clear. oops. (why is this all happening on nanog@ rather than dnsop@?) -- Paul Vixie