Yes! ...and accurate (ntpsynch'd) times, too, please. I just got a nimda warning from secmbox3+nimda@UU.NET for a dynamic IP with a GMT/UTC timestamp that doesn't correspond to any connections, but is close enough to one that I *think* I know which user it is. I'm also concerned about auto-blackholing/blocking dynamic IPs... On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Rubens Kuhl Jr. wrote:
Please list probe time also. Dynamic IPs can only be traced to the actual infected user with a time stamp.
Rubens Kuhl Jr.
I put a page to search for infected IPs. This is the first version. Currently I put IPs into it which probed me before about 2pm PDT. I got email from 2 people who sent me their IPs, which I am going to add when they ok it.
You can right now search by SQL for IPs like: 64.81.% This will display all IPs which probed me starting with 64.81.
Things I am adding in the next minutes is so that people can submit them self single IPs or bulk list.
James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor up@3.am http://3.am =========================================================================