I'm wondering if Level(3) is going to make a play. Buffet et. al. just put 500MM in cash into convertible bonds for "acquisitions" and I believe Level 3 has a substanital amount of cash on the sidelines anyhow. I know from working at Level 3 that it would be a sweet victory for many if Level 3 acquired Worldcomm out of bankruptcy. Ebbers is gone. All the old exec staff is gone. Sidgemore and Cerf get along with Jim Crowe as far as I know <i dont really>, but I do know the Ebbers and Crowe were not pals since it was a reason that Crowe and the troops left Worldcom. Jim Crowe and Buffet are friends, and the original investors in L3 include, IIRC, Bill Gates as well as a few other super billionaires. It could be interesting. At 07:22 AM 7/12/2002 -0700, Scott Francis wrote:
An interesting history, especially for those of us (like myself) that didn't experience it first-hand. I've often wondered what would happen if MSFT gained control (in name or in fact) of any significant piece of the backbone ... -- -= Scott Francis || darkuncle (at) darkuncle (dot) net =- GPG key CB33CCA7 has been revoked; I am now 5537F527 illum oportet crescere me autem minui
Regards, -- Martin Hannigan hannigan@fugawi.net