On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 01:30:42PM -0500, keichii wrote:
From: "Neil J. McRae" <neil@DOMINO.ORG>
I'm looking to improve my connectivity into the AP region, in a cost effective [i.e. for as little as possible :-)]. I have ruled out buying transit as it doesn't help the issue that I'm trying to resolve, so I was wondering if there was a location/IXP in the AP region that would enable me to interconnect with as many AP carriers as possible.
Above.net and AT&T are your best bets for operations based in the Americas. Above has a .jp IX/colo that is almost "the" best connected place in AP. ATT and Above.net provide almost 80 to 90% of the bandwidth from the Americas to AP.
A handful of incumbent telcos of AP region countries as well as few others operate multigigabit IP networks across the Pacific. I don't think they'd agree with your statement. -dorian