Iljitsch van Beijnum [mailto:iljitsch@muada.com] wrote:
On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Jeroen Massar wrote:
Maybe the p2p vendors should implement IPv6, it might also take a while until RIAA finds them again :-)
Then I hope they'll implement RFC 3041, otherwise the RIAA will go on a massive MAC address hunt...
Hmm a MAC... and then (sweet, dude) ? I still don't get it why that would be a problem, simply because: - one can change your IP by hand and/or automagically (RFC 3041 like you mentioned) - MAC's can be changed (ifconfig hwaddr... )
Yes, but rebooting each time you change the MAC address for your windows box gets somewhat tiresome after a while...
With NT/2k/XP one can simply disable/enable netcards so that wouldn't be a problem.
And then still.. they know that 'something/one' from a certain /48 did 'something'.
Ok, first of all: it was a joke. I guess I should have included a :-) Smileys always help.
Second: that the record industry might think it's a good idea has little bearing on it being actually a good idea. I have no trouble believing they would subpoena ethernet card sales records from stores to find out MAC addresses to go after people who trade MP3s if they thought there was a 1% chance it would do their cause any good. And it might, since most PC users don't know what a MAC address is, let alone how to change it.
So what, if you pay at a store with your VISA or AMEX or simply your bankcard. That company holds at least your accountnumber, let's crossreference that.
Never heard of cash? Internet shopping, most of my day-to-day food-supplies, big acquisitions happen using plastic; cash is that annoying stuff that fills my pants and gets spended too quickly when I pulled it out of the ATM.
(BTW your post wout be easier to read if the lines were < 80 chars.) Oops ;)
Same thing (IMHO ;) as the IP address thing, it pops up at several places and they can do many statistical stuff with it for behaviour research, buy styles etc.
Yes. I use a static address that is easily correlated with lots of real-life info about me, and I'm not always happy about that. Not always indeed, but I personally don't mind most of the time though.
ipv6 [-p] gpu UseAnonymousAddresses [yes|no|always|Counter] that's how you turn that stupid feature off, it is annoying IMHO and quite useless as
Why is it stupid, annoying and useless? Stupid comes from the annoying&useless parts (again IMHO :). Annoying because one needs to update his/her reverse every x seconds And I like to have a static IP with a corresponding reverse which identifies me as me. If somebody wants to track me or whatever google around, mailinglist archives etc tell more than my IP and I don't see anybody (okay there are bound to be
Also you are probably familiar with the dutch law for personal information registration in which at least dutch companies/organisations have to register themselves if they keep information about persons. Email-lists/access-logs/crossrefs could quite possibly fall under this law, so every company retaining these informations would be in violation of a law ;) people) complaining about google mirroring+indexing their sites (hail robots.txt ofcourse) Greets, Jeroen