25 Feb
25 Feb
8:04 a.m.
On Feb 25, 2008, at 2:27 AM, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
At 07:15 PM 24-02-08 -0500, Randy Epstein wrote:
More importantly, why is PCCW not prefix filtering their downstreams?
- Lack of clue - Couldn't care less - No revenue
Take your pick - or add your own reason. PCCW is not alone. They just happen to be the latest in a long line of ISPs that follow the same rules - their own.
All good, er, bad reasons. Fixing the "filter your downstreams" problem is very important. It would also solve 90-something percent of the problems mentioned in this thread. E.g. as7007. :) -- TTFN, patrick