On 30/06/2021 02:25, Jason Kuehl wrote: Good luck. I had a case where Israeli users were located in Iceland. Took me well over a month to get it resolved. You can read about it in my blog entry: https://www.iucc.ac.il/en/blog/2021-05-google-geo-location/ Just heard of two more incidents this week where other Israeli users from different ISPs are seen as being in Belgium and the other is seen as being in Greece. I have told those 2 new incidents to try: https://support.google.com/websearch/workflow/9308722?hl=en and wait a month to see if the issue gets resolved (as stated on that Google page). Clearly some process since about March 2021 is broken inside Google geo-location land. Regards, Hank Caveat: The views expressed above are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer
I'm looking for a contact, email, number, smoke signals for someone at Google I can talk to on geolocation issue. For some reason Google has labeled our IP ranges as Belarus when we're located in the states. If anyone can point me at any contact I would be really happy..
-- Sincerely,
Jason W Kuehl Cell 920-419-8983 jason.w.kuehl@gmail.com <mailto:jason.w.kuehl@gmail.com>