In a democratic process, which ARIN is, refusal to participate in the voting process, when eligible, usually removes one's standing to complain.
Not sure where this notion of democracy is coming from, but in either case, one needs to provide sufficient means to respond even if not able to attend personally. Most democracies and near democracies do so. Which usually also means long response periods and other ways of dealing with capturing the most votes overall. If you don't make that effort, you don't have a democracy or anything anywhere near it. Just as much as it is your responsibility as a citizen of a democracy to go and vote, a democracy must make a considerable effort to make it easy and encourage people to vote; beyond just making it merely possible. Strange notions around here. -- Christian Kuhtz, Sr. Network Architect Architecture, BellSouth.net <ck@arch.bellsouth.net> -wk, <ck@gnu.org> -hm Atlanta, GA "Speaking for myself only."