At 12:33 AM 04-11-03 -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
No, they do not view themseleves as leasing address space. They view themseleves as registering it. They are quite clear about this. The term leasing is commonly misapplied by people outside the RIR, but, I have never seen any RIR claim that they are leasing the address space. Certainly not in the financial sense.
That is not what RIPE and ARIN state. They specifically use the word "lease". <http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/mem-services/registration/ipv6/global-ipv6-assign-2001-12-22.html> and <http://www.arin.net/policy/global-ipv6-assign-2001-12-22.txt> "The global IPv6 policies in this document are based upon the understanding that address space is lease-licensed for use rather than owned. All Internet Registries are expected to manage address space operations correctly in accordance with this principle." Also: <http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/about/presentations/ir-allocation-procedures/tsld009.html> Also: http://www.arin.net/library/minutes/ARIN_IX/ppm_doc.html "In regard to the criteria that "organizations who are granted initial allocations, but after two years no longer satisfy the requirements above, are subject to having their allocations revoked", the following model was proposed for allocations: - Addresses are "leased", assignments are not permanent" Many more examples. -Hank