Now just imagine that people inside the big firewall could tell you how they engineered multi-gig FTTTVs. At the risk of sounding like a politician I will actually state that the physical/private interest topology of the fiber network in the United States is incredibly prohibitive of the advances that you guys are talking about. The big picture here is table scraps to equipment manufacturers no matter how crowded the vendor meet is. There are pockets of isolated/niche success and its great to see technology implemented in such ways, RFCs being drafted, etc., but jeez guys, the real issue at stake here is how in the hell we are all going to work past the bureaucratic constraints of our arguably humble positions to transparently superimpose something that will enable the masses to communicate and, at the same time, appease, for lack of a better word, those who would capitalize on the sheer lack of unified infrastructure. This post in itself obviates our incapacity to handle our own infrastructure, and while I believe discussing this is of the utmost importance I have to point out, first and foremost, that the highest priority is a level playing field. I know at least some of you can really understand that and I hope it drive some of your sleeping points home a bit so you can wake up in the morning and get something right. -Will Ok I will never post here again. Gnight... On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
actually, the killer here is PMTU... there is almost no way to effectively utilize the BW when the MTU is locked to 1500 bytes.
and the reality, e.g. ntt b-flets, is often pppoe v4-only, which is lower.