On Thu, 21 May 2009, Philip Lavine wrote:
I am sure this has been asked 10 to the 1 millionth power times, however may be the rules have changed. I am looking to set up a really small ISP with a few /24's. I want to host DNS as well. Is there any whitepapers/howtos/best practices on setting up multihomed BGP and DNS with BIND so I don't blow up the Internet.
A few minutes with google would probably find sample BGP multihoming configs. The big things to avoid are unnecessary deaggregation and announcing routes received from one provider to the other. i.e. If you have a /22 of IP space, you may use/see that as 4 /24's or a larger number of smaller subnets, but where eBGP is concerned, you should announce just the /22 route and keep your subnetting to yourself. If you have competent providers, they won't accept routes from you that they're not expecting, which will stop you from offering transit to them by announcing routes received from your other provider. Still, it's better to get your config done right than rely on your providers to ignore what you shouldn't be advertising. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis | I route Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________