on 1/18/05 6:44 PM, william(at)elan.net at william@elan.net wrote:
Based on last month data it did not have in registrar-lock. I believe registrar lock for all panix domain (including panix.net, access.net) was added on January 15th.
I assume the domain panix.com is excluded from the list of domains locked by Panix on January 15th, since by then the panix.com domain had been hijacked and as such was no longer under their administrative control. Correct? I checked the status of panix.com approximately an hour after the hijack and and at that time the domain was not locked, presumably because the hijacker himself had not requested a lock. If Panix did indeed lock a number of their other domains on January 15th following the hijack of panix.com, that is circumstantial evidence that when the hijack occurred the panix.com domain did not have a status of registrar-lock in the .com registry.
Based on what I heard in public so far, I'm seeing the following scenario which paints the picture in which everyone did something that as a whole led to the panix.com hijacking:
Thanks for the informative summary William. -Richard