John, I'm not hearing much (out here in California), but the few points I know of are being tracked on: http://kgate.virtual.net/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?action=Browse&id=TechAssistance Currently (2:58am PST, Sept 15) we have: -------begin snip--------------- Another Resource/Assistance Coordination page (Telehouse Europe based) http://www.sourcedest.org/resourcelist.rhtm Wall Street Technology Association coordination page http://www.wsta.org/forum/list.php?f=4 NANOG Archives, many offers to assist in NYC and elsewhere http://www.merit.edu/mail.archives/html/nanog/index.html Via NANOG: According to www.nysemo.state.ny.us which is the NY state emergency management center, the number to volunteer your time for the cause is 800-801-8092. They'll put you in a database with your name and phone number and expertise, which is available to the command posts. They particularly want firemen and medical people, but they seem receptive to everything. ------end snip-------- Please email us anything that you come up with that isn't listed above. We are working with other resource listers to share info. Thanks much! SRC John Todd wrote:
It has been mentioned on this list and others that there is a requirement for volunteers in NYC to help bring things back on line from a network and machine perspective.
I'll put my money where my mouth is and say that I'll be available in NYC on Monday at 06:00. What I have not been able to determine is how I find a company that needs what I can do. Is there a clearinghouse for volunteer IP-networking or UNIX systems staff? The Red Cross seems like an unusual place to go for figuring out what firms need what help... they seem to me to be a place to go to assist people, not companies. I'm not an EMT, a social worker, or a ditch digger, so I'll stick with helping with what I know how to do.
Do any of you who are closer to the question know where a person should report to get an assignment, and what data I should furnish to make the process easier?
Sorry for the almost-non-operational content here - I'm hoping someone can reply to the list with a pointer to a location that will lend some operational content to this recently high noise/low signal discussion.
Otherwise, I'll wear a sign around my neck with my resume on it that says "FREE NETWORKING GEEK" on Monday AM. Yes, I'm serious. :)
JT --
John Todd jtodd@cidera.com Director of Support Services/MIS Cidera, Inc. http://www.cidera.com/ voice:(01)301-561-2140 fax:(01)708-810-6008
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