[ should this move to nanog-futures? well, it's a quiet saturday ]
Collocation would be a useful idea - save airfare, hotel etc.
immensely difficult. the nanog sc could not even get the nanog administrative structure to avoid a direct and damaging conflict with afnog for the next meeting. if successful, it will have taken over two years of work to get a meeting in the dominican republic. ... not that this might not be worth trying. just that it is extremely far from simple.
otoh, being on the frobnitz program committee would be an interesting lesson and exercise in industry physics. You think there's not enough convergence + shared interests in such programs?
different question. what i meant was that the synergies and tensions between the subject areas would be quite evident on a joint pc, and have to be worked out. doing so would be an educational experience.
I mean, abuse + security teams could care less about MPLS and peering, but there is a lot they're discussing (walled gardens, botnet mitigation etc) that does get discussed in far better detail at nanog. Or at FIRST.
yes. randy