On 3/11/21 1:05 PM, Josh Luthman wrote:
His email: Mar 8, 2021, 10:08 AM (3 days ago) The current date and time: 3:03 PM Thursday, March 11, 2021 (EST)
The process takes multiple weeks.
You do the math.
My email with recommendations: 10:23 AM Thursday, March 11, 2021 (MST) The current date and time: 13:47 Thursday, March 11, 2021 (MST) Again, the process takes multiple weeks. You do the math again.
Well since I don't get any spam in my mailbox, I'd say it is fixed.
Good for you. I suspect that there are *MANY* who would disagree with you.
Not sure this thread is going anywhere besides downhill so unless there's anything productive to contribute on the topic at hand, resolving Google's geoip, I'm out.
As previously stated: - Contact GGC operations - Contact Google NOC Both teams can escalate the issue to the GeoIP team to fix the problem. Let me try spelling it out this way. I have worked on the GGC operations team and we always take any GeoIP issues very seriously and we /want/ /to/ /fix/ them. So, does 1st hand knowledge from someone who has fixed multiple GeoIP issues count for anything in regards to your opinion? I can tell you for a fact that colleagues /do/ /care/ and /do/ /want/ /to/ /fix/ /things/. So, if you have a GGC node, contact the GGC operations team with GeoIP issues. They will do what they can to fix the problem. It does usually take multiple weeks to get something fixed. But I have seen multiple corrections completed through the process that starts with the GGC operations team. I can say, 1st hand, as someone that has processed multiple GeoIP corrections, that Google employees /do/ /wanna/ /improve/ GeoIP information. I can also say that the vast majority of Google employees do want to improve anything and everything they can. -- Grant. . . . unix || die