|> From: Jared Mauch [mailto:jared@puck.Nether.net] |> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 2:49 PM |> Let me reprhase my inital statement, "In most cases i've seen |> where someone is using NAT it's part of a security policy and not due |> to lack of available address space". Jared, those whom depend on an accident, for security, deserve what happens when the accident undoes itself. I was just over on www.netcraft.com, checking out their stats for the CodeRed worm. I was amazed at how fast IIS admins responded by applying the patches. If NAT were suddenly "fixed", any incidental security is toast. NAT was never designed for, and was never intended as, a security method. Any current protection is strictly the result of a side-effect. The side-effect that breaks the internet connection. It's a result of the connection being broken. A properly built firewall is much more effective and definitely more deterministic. Neither is it vulnerable to a "fix patch".