Not found as much as I'd like. I can see an architecture, can see the database and where it lives, but I can't see a data model that works. if the problem is to track "dumb" infrastructure metadata, like port::cableID::cabletray, then I can't get an event (e.g. SNMP) to report a status change, and entropy eats at my data unless I spend people time keeping it up to date. It's not the rendering of racks, it's the quality of the data that's an issue. I don't even know when (if?) this tracking becomes a problem. When is a hardcopy wallchart not enough? At 50 servers? At 500 servers? I saw a while back a finance industry comment that it's config errors, not particularly backhoes, that are a significant source of their down time. So you'd expect some NOC attention on inventorying cableIDs etc., but it's hard to find. Now we are seeing some affordable (100GE at 4x10GE) services popping up, I thought I'd like to see what the future reqs are for these interfaces - more eggs in one basket maybe adds importance. You are yourself, maybe, sitting on a hidden store of use cases for infrastructure manageability? :-) Roy *Roy Hirst* | 425-556-5773 | 425-324-0941 cell XKL LLC | 12020 113th Ave NE, Suite 100 | Kirkland, WA 98034 | USA On 12/7/2014 7:46 PM, Colton Conor wrote:
What have you found so far?
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Roy Hirst <rhirst@xkl.com <mailto:rhirst@xkl.com>> wrote:
Replying offline to Theo. Schwer zu finden. Roy
*Roy Hirst* | 425-556-5773 <tel:425-556-5773> | 425-324-0941 <tel:425-324-0941> cell XKL LLC | 12020 113th Ave NE, Suite 100 | Kirkland, WA 98034 | USA
On 12/4/2014 5:21 AM, Theo Voss wrote:
Hi guys,
we, a Berlin / Germany based carrier, are looking for a smart documentation (shelfs, connections, fibers) and visualization tool for our ADVA-based DWDM-enviroment. Do you have any suggestions or hints for me? We’re testing „cableScout“, the only one I found, next week but. Unfortunately it isn’t easy to get any information about such tools! :(
Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Theo Voss (AS25291)
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