On 29/Jan/20 02:22, Paul Nash wrote:
One of our early customers was a group of students who wanted to start a small dial ISP nearby. We gave them service, bootstrapping what became our biggest competitor, Internet Solutions (now part of DiData, who never did ask for their router back). Our little ISP grew and grew, and eventually merged with our biggest client, was sold, sold again, and so on. Last time I looked, it had become Verizon Africa.
It went through some hands, but yes, I worked with Africa Online, which was looking to pick up UUNet Africa. At the time, the operations were mainly in Kenya, Zambia, Botswana and South Africa (we are talking 2003 - 2007 or so). UUNet Africa eventually became Verizon Africa, and they got picked up by MTN, being renamed to MTN-NS (Network Solutions). I believe it now trades at MTN Business, in some or all of those markets. Mark.