In message <20050426.200918.11519.516537@webmail04.lax.untd.com>, "Fergie (Paul Ferguson)" writes:
I've been there -- I know how I feel about it -- but I'd love to know how ISP operations folk feel about this.
Links here: http://www.vnunet.com/news/1162720
At a recent forum at Fordham Law School, Susan Crawford -- an attorney, not a network operator -- expressed it very well: "if we make ISPs into police, we're all in the ghetto". Bruce is a smart guy, and a good friend of mine, but he's not a network operator or architect. There are a small number of times when operators can, should, and -- in a very few cases -- act, but those are rare. The most obvious case is flooding attacks, since they represent an abuse of the network itself; operators also have responsibility for other pieces of the infrastructure they control, such as (many) name servers. --Prof. Steven M. Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb