At 08:50 PM 8/21/2002, you wrote:
(any organized religion's church comes to mind here as an ideal candidate.)
Umm... would you like to qualify the "any" in that statement? I say this because there are those churches that would use the funds for umm... purposes that are less than stellar... or various other programs that may not enjoy widespread support. If we were to use any funds raised this way for feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, providing Internet access to underprivileged (which I would prefer, btw), then I think you'd find a larger following. Personally, I don't have a problem with transitioning to a trusted method, and I'd like to see a non-profit signing authority that has completely open books - and money beyond operating expenses going to offset the costs of providing rural areas/less developed areas with Internet access - similar to the way we all help pay for telephone access in rural areas when we pay our phone bills.