On 3/10/22 7:36 AM, Josh Luthman wrote:
Now when (not if, we all know nothing is perfect) there are issues with v6 but not v4 I have to figure out why "my internet is slow" when v6 has problems.
You might find the opposite is true, though. Many dual-stack clients try both IPv4 and IPv6 and use whichever works best: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Eyeballs In other words, adding IPv6 might sometimes completely avoid problems for your customers (saving you time), because it makes some IPv4 problems no longer noticeable. I'm confident that adding IPv6 support to all sites my company hosts reduced the number of "I can't reach a site on your servers" complaints, simply because there are two available network paths to our servers for most Comcast customers, customers on 4G connections, etc. From my perspective, IPv6 has added a widely-adopted form of network redundancy as an unexpected side-effect. "Neat!" -- Robert L Mathews