DRA Net is the Internet Service Provider for the Library of Congress. It is expected the Library's web server(s) will be the primary distribution point for the Office of Independent Counsel report to the House of Representatives. The exact time and and place has not been announced. A sudden large traffic surge is expected report is released. DRA Net has provisioned additional bandwidth, servers and working on other traffic management plans to handle the increased network load. While interest in the report is expected to be high, we don't currently know how much traffic will be generated. The short time period given to prepare means some very good ideas for handling the traffic may not be in place in time. I'm acutely aware that attempts to hurriedly implement other options tend to create other problems. DRA appreciates the several offers of assistance we have received. DRA has begun receiving many inquiries from the public news media. Other network providers, when calling the DRA service desk about a major network problem be prepared to identify yourself and your AS number immediately so we can handle your call properly. I request during the next few days ONLY senior network engineers attempt to call our direct network operations center phone numbers. This contact information has been previous supplied by DRA to each network peering with DRA Net. To avoid problems with "social engineering" DRA reserves the right to screen and implement additional security procedures to verify the authenticity of any callers. Violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act will be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities. If you peer with DRA Net, and have not previously provided a callback number for your NOC, you may send it to peering@dra.net. Please verify BGP peering and routing this evening, access-lists are in place so you will not be able to traceroute into the LOC network, and send a message to peering@dra.net if they are incorrect. No new BGP sessions will be setup or changed after 6am Central Time September 11, 1998. Public and media inquiries concerning the report should be directed to the House of Representatives and Library of Congress Public Affairs offices. All decisions controlling the release of the report is determined SOLELY by the United States House of Representatives' rules. DRA can NOT provide information about the report's contents. DRA's media contact is Joe Bonwich, 314-432-1100, joe@dra.com during normal business hours. -- Sean Donelan, Data Research Associates, Inc, St. Louis, MO