Chris Brenton wrote:
On Tue, 2004-05-11 at 18:15, Laurence F. Sheldon, Jr. wrote:
As an ex-admin, I have some "serious issues" about the way Spamcop works, but this argument is similar to one that says a credit reporting company has to prove that you are a deadbeat before reporting that several companies you do business with report that you are late with payments a lot.
I would agree with your analogy if Spamcop limited automatic reporting to subset of the community. The problem is they do not. I can't call up a credit agency and get them to automatically red mark your credit report. I obviously can send pretty much anything to Spamcop, claim you are a spammer and get them to act on that.
Actually, apparently you can--we have to (actually, my dear wife has to) take the reporting houses to task every now and again because they report, on occasion, that we are somehow connected to people who have financial difficulty. Sometimes it is people we know, but have no responsibility for, sometimes it is people whose account numbers are related numerically to ours, sometimes we never find out how they got on our report. And the "act on that" means "report that you reported it--with your privacy protected" doesn't it? -- Requiescas in pace o email Ex turpi causa non oritur actio http://members.cox.net/larrysheldon/