On Mon, 21 Jan 2013 23:23:16 -0500, Jean-Francois Mezei said:
This article may be of interest:
Basically, a Montreal student, developping mobile software to interface with schools system found a bug. Reported it. And when he tested to see if the bug had been fixed, got caugh and was expelled.
I the context of this thread, they found a vulnerability in the web site's archutecture that allowed the to access any student's records.
This is the perfect type of incident you can bring to your boss to justify proper architecture/security for your web site. "How would you react if it was your company's name in the headline ?"
The interesting part is where the same people who were totally unaware that they had a major security hole until it was pointed out to them were also able to issue a very fast blanket denial that any student's information was in fact compromised. Sure, you can check your logs for the footprint of the attack - but apparently this wasn't actually being done before the student mentioned it to them.