* zbynek@dialtelecom.cz (Zbyněk Pospíchal) [Thu 16 Jun 2016, 14:23 CEST]:
Dne 15.06.16 v 20:10 Mikael Abrahamsson napsal(a):
Well, the customers also wanted more functions and features. They wanted sFLOW statistics to show traffic, customer portals, better SLAs, distributed IXes, remote peering, more hand-holding when connecting etc.
Are you sure they still want them if they have to pay for these features separately?
Currently, such luxury functions are increasing costs also for networks who don't need/want it.
sFlow statistics isn't a luxury function. Neither is remote peering. The others Mikael mentioned are debatable at worst but you'd be telling the membership what they really want rather than listening to them saying what they want. This thread is full of people who have never run large L2 networks stating their opinions on running large L2 networks, and they invariably underestimate their complexity and the logistics required. -- Niels.