I am currently evaluating some proposals from several vendors for an international IP-based network. Most of the technologies are the same, MLPS, and they can list routers brands and models, as well as give out network reliability and SLA numbers, so there is something to go on for technical matters. However, for the ones that I'm not too familiar with, it's really hard to guage things like customer service, billing, and their technical support responsiveness. The two providers who I've not had a lot of luck researching elsewhere are BCE Teleglobe and Equant. Does anyone have some opinions they'd like to share? Feel free to email me directly if you do not want to clog up the list or don't feel comfortable making certain remarks public. Thanks a lot. -- Crist J. Clark | cjclark@alum.mit.edu | cjclark@jhu.edu http://people.freebsd.org/~cjc/ | cjc@freebsd.org