Thank you everyone for all the responses about the Cybex products! :) It been a lot of help in justifying the purchase. -- James Smith, CCNA Chief Network/System Administrator DXSTORM.COM http://www.dxstorm.com/ DXSTORM Inc. 2395 Speakman Drive, Suite 2200 Mississauga, ON, L5K 1B3 CANADA Tel: 905-822-1957 (email preferred) Fax: 905-822-0680 1-877-DXSTORM (1-877-397-8676) "Feeling 'connected' with carbon-based dolts holds all the joy of being handcuffed to a dead zebra - it sounds special, but it can get old fast." - The Dilbert Principle - Engineers, Scientists, Programmers and Other Odd People On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, James Smith wrote:
I'm look at purchasing a Cybex KVM switch system (XP4040) and was wondering if anyone had any good or bad experiences to share, or opinions about other similar products. Is Cybex widely used in NOCs?
-- James Smith, CCNA Chief Network/System Administrator DXSTORM.COM
DXSTORM Inc. 2395 Speakman Drive, Suite 2200 Mississauga, ON, L5K 1B3 CANADA Tel: 905-822-1957 (email preferred) Fax: 905-822-0680 1-877-DXSTORM (1-877-397-8676)
"Feeling 'connected' with carbon-based dolts holds all the joy of being handcuffed to a dead zebra - it sounds special, but it can get old fast."
- The Dilbert Principle - Engineers, Scientists, Programmers and Other Odd People