15 Dec
15 Dec
11:25 p.m.
Let us all have a moment of silence to remember all those poor unmanaged servers out there......Thank you now nuke them all and start over :) On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Bryan Fields <Bryan@bryanfields.net> wrote:
On 12/15/12 6:07 PM, David Conrad wrote:
Are BIND's warning messages so opaque that someone who is looking at name server log messages can't figure out that the warning is talking about a root server IP address being changed?
What about the people that are running BIND 4 on an old Solaris 2.6 box, and the log file filled up at 2gb back in 2006? Also they forgot the root password, and no one has a boot disk.
Won't somebody think of the boxen?
-- Bryan Fields
727-409-1194 - Voice 727-214-2508 - Fax http://bryanfields.net