From: Maya [mailto:myajnik@research.telcordia.com] Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 10:31 AM
Hello, I want to find out the most common causes of performance problems as well as outages in networks today. Any information is welcome!
In no particular order; 1:Peering polcies resulting in really bizarre business-dictated routes. 2:Over-booking on broadband links (cable-modems) 3:Over extended growth by DSL operators (w/ resultant business failures, ie NorthPoint). 4:RBOCs ... ALL of them. 5:Fixing what ain't broke. 6:Forgetting why you did something and then doing it "right" later. 7:ICANN for broken DNS (which BIZ you iz). 8:NewNet, for REALLY proving 7:. 9:The A**holes that write scripts for script-kiddies. 10: ...I'll stop while I'm behind.... Note that very little of the above had anything to do with technology and everything to do with people.