Ok, let's make this operation l for one second. This is something I've always wondered and I have an idea but... What is the real possibility that there is some sort of structured monitoring system in place say on the backbone level. Bad fbi meat eating programs asside I mean really something useful. Can the nsa for example listen in somehow to eering points or other such common areas and observe things that interest them? I know the answer in the voice network is yes but that's technically easier. On the ip network that would seem to be m uch more difficult. On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, David Lesher wrote:
Unnamed Administration sources reported that Brad Knowles said:
I'm sure that they have all sorts of methods. On the other hand, cellphones make devilishly difficult "bugs" to eliminate,
Not at all.
The entry guard says "No Cell Phones".. and [s]he has the gun. You can whine and pout but [s]he still has the gun.
THAT is how you solve that issue. No shield rooms needed.
I had some bozo try to bring his pagers into my [1] SCIF once. "But Man, I NEED my pagers.." {"I am SO important, in my eyes at least, that you can not strip me of my status symbols.."}
I offered that he could keep the pager-pieces after I smashed them.... and he decided he did not NEED them after all. They stayed in the unclass area on someone's desk, someone who could call me if they went off. They did not.
[1] I was the SCIF Security Officer; what a thankless role..