Hi Mike,

Although I have never actually tried it, Sandvine does market a piracy solution service. They presented it to me about 2 years ago.

Here in Italy the government has "piracy shield" , a platform donated by the A series soccer federation so no conflict of interest at all , to combat piracy in live streaming events.... Content owners can sign up and insert IP addresses and Domains and all Italian ISPs are required to block them within 30 minutes of publication.  Basically allowing content owners to block at their own discretion potential violators.
Obviously they didn't listen to the community regarding the outcome and all kinds of legitimate content has been blocked.  CCIA has also sent this letter to the European Commission claiming it is illegal.


Il giorno lun 10 feb 2025 alle ore 21:59 Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> ha scritto:
I've never paid much attention to the abilities to filter traffic because I didn't care what my customers were doing until which time a lawful order told me to care.

Someone recently asked me that since there was only one legal way in a particular country to consume television service over IP, was there any way to block the "illegal" streams. I put "illegal" in quotes because some of it really is the pirated crap, but some is likely just watching Netflix, Prime, Hulu, etc. over a VPN.

With the tooling I have, no, I can't block that stuff. Well, at least not with any precision. I'd certainly miss a bunch and there would be a bunch of collateral damage. However, I also know that I'm not using overly sophisticated tooling or methods to achieve this.

Are there platforms out there that can accomplish this with any precision?

No, I don't know what constitutes "TV" in that jurisdiction, nor do I ask this group to weigh in on that. Are YouTube, Vimeo, and Rumble "TV"? Are Netflix and Prime "TV"?

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions
