Experts, my inquiry was very specific and bounded to the following assumptions: - in-band management - not possible to filter customer traffic, certainly not for somebody else's customer. - IP In this case diffserv can help prioritize management plane traffic over user traffic. To do that only ipp6 and ipp7 values are available for non user traffic. IPP6 is used by default for routing protocols, that is control plane; so probably it is better not to mess around with it. This leaves to IPP7 for management plane traffic, value that I can not recall of having seen used by any application/protocol. What is the general opinion about this? Thanks. On Tue, 2009-12-29 at 12:02 +0100, Luca Tosolini wrote:
Experts, what is the general opinion of using ipp 7 'network control' for management traffic like: telnet ssh snmp .....
The idea is that ipp 0 1 2 3 4 5 are used for user traffic ipp = 6 is used by default by routing protocols like BGP, OSPF, LDP ...
this leaves out only ipp 7 for management traffic, on the premise that routing and management should not share the same queue and resources.....
Thanks, Luca.