We are all familiar with whois.ripe.net and whois.arin.net and the other whois services of the other RIRs. It allows us to know who has been assigned the IP address in question and if needed, it gives us an initial pointer in how to contact the "IP leaser" in case some network problem has arisen that would involve them. Unfortunately, the whois server for the DoD - whois.nic.mil no longer exists and therefore large chunks of active IP address space are unknown. For example: [I am sure others can make an exhaustive list]. http://www.nic.mil/ used to have an online whois service which is also no longer accessible. I have contacted the RIRs and they admit there is a problem here that they can't solve. Based on http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space I would assume IANA might be interested in mandating that any organization having IP space from them must operate an accessible whois server. So is there anyone out in NANOG-land that has a solution? Thanks, Hank