Cost transference. The cost of Spam via postal mail is borne by the sender. When sent via email, the cost is shouldered by the recipient. It is not perfect comparation. For both, e-mail and post-mail, recipient
There is a plethora of methodology, and suggestions as to how best to combat the spew, and most of us have accepted the risk of the occasional false
pays the same cost for sorting mail , mail box etc. But, for e-mail, sender pays nothing, so he has not natural limitations. positive, Don't talk for others. For most people I ever know, such risk is unacceptable. Any sale person said you _risk of missing e-mail must be 0_. For me personal, risk of delaying e-mail due to false positive is OK (I read spam folder once a few days), risk of missing e-mail is unacceptable. Moreover, spam have useful information _simetimes_ , so - yes, spammers get their profits, it is well known.
We have resorted to trying to get the customer to bring his own pressure
provider, we have tried to pressure providers to be more responsive, unfortunately with mixed results. Especially when legislation and rules are formulated that can be at odds with the advertising campaigns of the
on his providers Rules helps a little - now I have more spam from sources, which are not subjected by this rule (Russian spam, for example). Rules can help if they are applied to those, who order spam, not those who sends it (I can always find spamming company which is not regulated by this legislation, not any problem). On the othere hand, I am not sure, if I want to have 0 level of spam. In reality, I'd like to limit it to 10 - 20 messages / day, and have this messages separated from normal messages.
All in all though we are trying to fight the good fight, and believe in technology, not legislation.
====================================== We can get rid of spam on your domain! , Anti-spam solutions http://www.clickdoug.com/mailfilter.cfm For hosting solutions http://www.clickdoug.com ======================================