Can someone with a bit of experience in telco line engineering speak to IntraLATA vs. InterLATA DS-1 circuit reliability? More specifically, is it more likely for multiple DS-1 circuits to be aggregated using a single piece of multiplexing equipment when heading into another LATA, thus increasing the chance of combined failure of two diverse circuits at a single point? I would love to have two diverse T1 circuits coming into the offices, but it looks like they'll ultimately traverse the same telco switches, both at the local and regional interconnection levels (? more info ?), and it seems as though this presents increased risk. We have entrance failities for just one LEC in our office building here, and I understand that a new telco buildout would require lots of investment. I've actually talked with LEC engineers about the various switching stations in the area, and it seems as though everything is aggregated through a single central office before hitting the other LATAs. Have others encountered this same kind of topology in the past? What are some of the things that can be done to help ensure circuit diversity? Lots and lots of questions, I know. ;) Any insight into standard telco engineering practices would be great and very much appreciated! Tnx. -- _ __ __ ___ _| | William R. Lorenz <wrl@express.org> \ V V / '_| | http://java.sun.com/; http://www.linux.org/ \./\./|_| |_| "[...] But it's turtles all the way down."